
Protective Covenants for Waterside Subdivision

Our neighborhood is governed by protective covenants which must be signed by each Lot Owner. It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors of the Association to enforce these Covenants to support a safe, clean, and attractive community that maintains or improves its value over time.  You can view a copy of the original Covenants HERE

Changes/Updates to Covenants

Over time, the Homeowners Associations will, from time to time, adopted amendments to the original covenants.  Amendments adopted by the Association to date are listed below.

January 2008
Summary:  This amendment covers the following:
– Amends Paragraph 1 by adding section r. related to the Georgia Property Owners Association Act
– Amends (strike/replace) Paragraph 6(b.) related to “Residential Use”
– Amends Paragraph 6(ix.)(5.) related to “Vehicles”
– Amends (strike/replace) Paragraph 16 related to “Capital Contribution Assessment”.
Click HERE to download this amendment.


Supplemental Guidelines

The Homeowner’s Association Board of Directors and its committees, such as the Architectural Review Committee, will use the Waterside Covenants to approve or disapprove requests for improvements and changes to residences and lots within the community. When the Covenants do not specifically allow or deny an improvement or change, or when the covenants leave specific restrictions up to the discretion of the Board, the Homeowner’s Association Board of Directors adopts “Supplemental Guidelines” for use in reviewing each request.  These guidelines assist the Board in applying consistent decisions across the neighborhood over time.

Comments on these guidelines should be provided at any time to the HOA Board of Directors or the Architectural Review Committee Vice President.

Supplemental Guidelines currently exist for the following areas:

Vegetable Gardens

Please read the appropriate supplemental guidelines if you are submitting a related request. These will assist you in understanding what to expect and how the Board makes determinations.

Note: During the period in which the developer acted as the Board and Architectural Review Committee (prior to 50% occupancy), various lot improvements and changes were allowed and actually installed. While these conditions may have been legitimately installed under the policy or guidelines the developer acted under at the time, only those conditions noted and items specifically in concert with these guidelines or the applicable covenants will be allowed and can be installed by an existing homeowner from this date forward.


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